Spiritual Topics, Oracle Readings & Spirit Walks

Canva project by Infiniti
The Daily Spirit Shows
On Monday, I began the first of a Daily Spirit show that will be taking place Monday through Friday at 12pm Pacific from 3.13–3.31. 2023.
The purpose of these daily live shows is to help us to prepare energetically and stabilize as these incoming energies intensify at the end of our astrological year.
These daily shows feature a topic of discussion, a general Oracle Reading, and a Channeled Guided Spirit Walk Astral Meditation in each show.
The Sun is moving into Aries on 3.20.2023, the astrological new year and the Spring Equinox on the same day resets and forces us to shift into the new paradigm.

In the first show, I review what’s going on at this time astrologically/galactically and how that has been and will be affecting us energetically, physically, mentally and spiritually.
I discuss the importance of meditation, and being Soul Connected and I ended up pulling the perfect Oracle card that backed up everything I had talked about.
Watch the replays:
3.13.2023 🔥 Infiniti’s Shaman Circle: Daily Spirit 🔥 | by Infiniti Yesterday’s show topic was What are Empaths?
I discuss how Empaths are Humans 2.0, my Empath story, how energy works with Empaths, the purpose of Empaths and how to live as a healthy, empowered Empath.
Take my Empath Quiz here, if you haven’t yet! Then, watch the replay if you missed it.

Canva Project By Infiniti
These Daily Spirit shows are the perfect lead in to the work I’ll be facilitating through The 9-week Soul Quest Program I’m facilitating beginning 4.3.2023.
The Soul Quest Program consists of 8 Body & Soul Maps that were divinely channeled. They help you answer these crucial questions for yourself:
What does your Soul want?
What is your True Identity?
What is your Life Purpose?
What are your Soul Missions & Destinies?
What are your next steps?
What is your Spirit Name?
You’ll be guided in a safe, sacred space with live weekly shows, and a private group forum you have lifetime access to.
Watch yesterday’s show: The Soul Quest Program Info and Q & A!
For complete details, please read the following article, and my website pages for info and enrollment:
Why A Soul Quest Program Is So Important
A 9-week journey to your True Identity, and your Soul.
Details: The Soul Quest Program | Archangels Love
Enroll: The Soul Quest Program | Archangels Love
I hope you are guided to join us daily, and to explore The Soul Quest Program to see if it’s right for you! Please share these valuable resources with your loved ones.