Magical Moments
SPOT HEALING: Eliminate a painful chronic issue:
Healing for one area of the body, i.e.
Back, hips, knees, hands, stomach/digestion, headaches/migraines, etc.
May include instructions/prerecorded for ongoing energy work for maintenance as guided.
Spiritual Guidance:
Get clarity for choices you need to make
Ascension Coaching:
The Awakening Path, Spirituality Questions, Metaphysics Alchemy, Manifesting, etc.
Empath Advice:
Training & Maintenance Education
Psychic Guidance:
Any Topic or Situation-Love, Career, Wealth, etc.
Connect with crossed-over loved ones
Chakra Maintenance:
Energy Clearing & Medical Mediumship
Personalized Spirit Walk Astral Meditation:
Channeling Mother Earth GAIA for your travel
Divine Channeling:
Connect with your Guides & Guardians
Animal Communication & Healing:
Connection with your pet for general or spot healing
Tarot & Oracle:
Clarity through divination
No card limit
Photos of your spread & each card
Photos of the guidebook descriptions (Oracle)
Magical Moments sessions are offered on a
Universal Sliding Scale starting at
$1,234+ Per Session
Click the button below to fill out
your questionnaire to get started.
You are invited to schedule a 30-minute consultation with Infiniti
before filling out your assessment questionnaire.