offers the full spectrum of her gifts and abilities to help guide you on your journey.

Ascension Guide,
Generational Shaman:
In-between World Walker
Infiniti was born In Colombia,
Descendant of Medicine
Men & Women.
She has always incarnated as a Healer, Soul and Ascension Guide.
Psychic Physical
Infiniti Can Feel In Her Body The Physical Pain, Energy Issues & Emotional Blocks & Fears Exactly As They Present In Her Clients

Distance Quantum
Energy Healer
Healing Clients & Their Animals
Worldwide From Her Forest Cottage in
The Mountains of Southern California
Divine Channel &
High Council Member
Working Directly With Mother Earth
GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended
Masters & Personal Guides & Guardians

Medical Medium
Knowing Exactly What Is Needed To
Heal Her Clients Via Her Energetic
Diagnostic Abilities, Infiniti feels in her
body exactly what you feel in yours--
exactly how you feel it.
Soul Connections with crossed over loved ones.

Animal Communicator
& Healer
Consistently Exceeds Expectations In
Her Ability To Know Exactly What
Animals Need & How To Heal Them.
Master Tarot & Oracle Reader
Beyond Accurate & Utterly On-Point
The Oracle Calls Infiniti

Facilitator of Live & Recorded Events:
Channeling Astral Travel Guided Meditations &
Spirit Walks
Galactic Stargates, Portals & Planetary Connections
Divinely Guided Many Media Artist
Pencil ✶ Watercolor ✶ Digital
Mixed Media ✶ Photography
Custom Pet & Spirit Animal Portraits

Making with INFINITI...
"Working with Infiniti involves healing from a holistic perspective and empowerment on an incredibly high level, as well as first-class individual support. I've never worked with someone who is soooo real." ~LAETITIA
"With the help of Infiniti, Gaia, Archangel Raphael and all of the other spiritual beings I could feel the energies in every part of my body transform for the better." ~KAREN
"I have more energy, I am focused and not as much bothered by interruptions as I used to be. I am in charge of my food intake, and I am losing weight. I am much more decisive in what can go, and what may stay! I am so glad." ~DOOR
"I realized that Infiniti truly had the ability to heal with her advanced knowledge in healing energy." ~DAKOTA
"I have so much more clarity from the inside out! Understanding and feeling the release of some of that weight being lifted." ~ANGELA
"She is incredibly knowledgeable about so many different facets of spirituality and the spiritual world, from guides and guardians to distance healing to tarot and oracle cards to crystals and pendulums." ~LIZ
"Her extraordinary psychic abilities that make you feel understood on a very deep and profound level." ~LAETITA
"The Evolve Now Program helped me understand and get a better idea of what has been going on in my life. It has helped shed many fears and further empowering me to take back control of my life." ~VANESSA
Read their full testimonials here.

" I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you
that finds me again through this multidimensional,
magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.
We are SOUL FAMILY - Empaths, Lightworkers,
Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.
As a Generational Shaman/Other-World Walker, divine alchemist, creator and messenger,
I activate and maximize your Soul Connection and Life Force for
your ascension and spiritual awakening process by:
✶ Sparking your remembrance, acknowledgement, integration, and assimilation.
✶ Self-directing, and facilitating multileveled distance quantum energy healing.
✶ Energy transmutation.
✶ Spirit-walk astral meditation.
✶ Spiritual reconnections, including your crossed over loved ones and ancestors.
My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with
those of you who are ready to EVOLVE. "

Your Evolution Begins Now
"Evolution takes courage, to step into the unknown, to recognize fears,
illusions and programming that needs to be dismantled.
My mission is to take the confusion, fear, pain and separateness away from the healing and ascension process, for my clients to have the best possible experiences because they have me with them, lighting the way as they evolve and spiritually connect and awaken.
I'm the best in the world at sending out my Soul Song to my Soul Family–The Major Players in the world who are ready to take the next step in their evolution. In the last life, in this one, and the next–
I’m here to guide my Soul Family from the darkness into The Light."