Client Written & Video
First... A love letter to all of my clients.
​Thank you, Dear One, beautiful Soul who was guided to me.
Those who have worked with me to help you heal your bodies from
ongoing chronic pain and energetic, and all chronic issues and illnesses.
It has been a joy and a pleasure and a privilege to bring you into
the body that you are meant to have.
You are true pioneers!
Leaving traditional medicine behind and choosing to put
faith into me, a, Psychic Physical Empath, Generational Shaman,
Medical Medium, Quantum Distance Healer--
Angelic Incarnate--I mean, it's all very, very WOO-WOO.
I have zero certifications or formal training.
You chose to just go on your intuition, and guidance to work with me
and trust that I could, and would help you.
I appreciate your faith.
I'm SO happy I could exceed your expectations, and
help guide you to a life free of pain.
Thank you to those who have come to me to seek
Psychic Advice/Spiritual Guidance and to
connect you to your Spirit Tribe.
It brings me great joy to be your liaison to your Soul.
Finally, thank you for bringing your beloved pets to me to help them heal.
As much I as love to help people, it is such a special thing to connect
with animals over great distance energetically and telepathically
and find out what the problem is and heal them and to get the
information that is so important for you, as
their caretaker, to have.
They are always so open and ready to be heard and to heal.
I hope that energy radiates through the collective, so more
Souls can experience the oldest, most natural form of
healing known in creation.
I'm so grateful to everyone who took the time to write a testimonial,
or get over feeling awkward, and exposed, sharing such a personal
experience on video, either in a post healing interview we
did together, or in a testimonial.
You are the very best, and experiencing magic
with you is what LIGHTS ME UP!
I truly appreciate & LOVE you,
Eternally & Infinitely,

Client Testimonials
Transformations on all levels.
Clients speak from the heart about what it was like to work with Infiniti.

Video Testimonial
Working With Infiniti
Short Testimonial By Ahñia
Short Testimonial By Janette
Long Testimonial By Ahñia
Long Testimonial By Jeanette
Testimonial By Karen

Post Healing Interviews
If you have a healing done with Infiniti, she spends time with you a few days after the last session to go over the experience. This time is included in the cost of the healing.
It is certainly not an obligation to share your post healing experience in this way; however, it is greatly appreciated as it helps others to really understand what goes on.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the post-healing interview videos!