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A Channeled Message From Archangel Michael

Writer's picture: InfinitiInfiniti

Channeling by Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel

Thank you for being guided to read my messages. ​Today is 11.24.2022. It is The New Moon is Sagittarius, and one of the last two of this year.

It is a very intense time for you humans, our charges, our children, we watch over you and know you through and through. Those of you who are on Mission experience life in a very different way than those who are not. Both are part of the entire picture and equally important in The Web of Life.

​Last night, I came to you and offered my Blue Sapphire Egg for you to integrate with as a shield, as a capsule of meditation, healing, sleeping and as a spaceship for your astral travel.

Please remember to revisit that experience as often as possible in the coming weeks, or initially after integration, depending on when you may be reading this.

Regardless of the place in time, you are encouraged to receive this gift from me, delivered to you through Infiniti/Archangel Gabriel.

We are both on a Mission to do all that we can to help you in your evolution and ascension process and life journey.

We love you deeply, we are One, we are Soul Family, however some of us are older, and have been in the family longer, helping our Mother-Father God through the growth of creation as it is infinite.

You are in a place in time, of evolution that is still very young — when there is so much left to learn and discover about yourselves, each other, the beautiful world you live in, and beyond.

​ There is no need to rush. To feel behind, or out of time.

The Truth is that you are exactly on time, exactly where and when you are meant to be, and there is no such thing as being behind, or not just right on time.

​ Consider us, The Archangels your big brothers and sisters who look after you in all of your lives, and incarnations, to help you on all of your missions and journeys.

To help you find the answers, to help you discover that there is nothing to be afraid of, and your fears are only from not knowing.

​If you trust us, and the path we have for each of you together, and individually, that we know you through and through.

We know your Soul, your Soul Wishes, your Human Wishes, and we know how to help you weave all of that together.

​We are here to help you move forward empowered, and with courage, and in bodies that are healthy and strong, and only getting stronger.

​You are meant to live lives pain-free, powerful, and magical, and we promise to help you experience all of that and more.

​Let us be here for you, come to us, talk to us, dream, play, and dance with us. ​We will always encourage you to be yourself, to discover your deepest parts of who you are, and to remember your Divine Inner Child.

Once you have fully embodied and integrated on these levels you will know a magical life.

​One where your wishes come true each and every time. Where time moves exactly how you need it to, faster or slower. Where your sleep time can stretch for days, and your waking moments can last a lifetime in a minute.

​Where you get to fly, and paint the sky.​

I am Archangel Michael.

I love you, and I am always with you. Forever and Always.

Originally posted on December 3, 2022

1 Comment

Jeanette Travieso 🦄
Jeanette Travieso 🦄
Feb 21, 2023

Thanks for sharing this with us again 💙

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