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A Channeled Message From Archangel Metatron: I Am With You 12.12.2022

Writer's picture: InfinitiInfiniti

The Gate of The Great Awakening

Canva Project By Infiniti

This is Archangel Metatron, today is 12.8.2022. I am connecting with our Sister, Archangel Gabriel/Infiniti to deliver a message to those of you who are rising.

You are awakening to a new world. A new you. It is called a spiritual awakening because you become aware of not only the presence of your Soul, but of what is real on the other side of the veil. Those things that you cannot see, touch and taste.

Humans tend to be hung up on what can be felt with your hands and mouth, that to accept that there are things that are real beyond the ability of physical touch can seem impossible.

However, your Soul knows The Truth. Your Soul has been quietly leading you to where you are now, as have all of us. You are entering a time of what we refer to as The Great Awakening, and this is because the moment is right, the planets are aligned, the poles of GAIA that have been shifting have moved past the threshold. The Material Matrix is being disconnected more than ever for The Collective.

The Abundance Matrix upon GAIA will be the dominating matrix, having been back online since 12.31.2019. Part of the process of shifting The Poles, and the last Stargate of 2022, the time is now for humanity to rise en masse.

The previous 2 years, the paradigm shift — the processes and establishments being exposed, and the Souls who crossed over, and returned in Spirit to guide their Soul Family — all of which have helped to anchor in The Light.

The veil between dimensions and worlds have never been so thin. Your ability to feel and connect with us, your Divine Counterparts has never been so easily experienced. This is even without the help of Archangel Gabriel/Infiniti, although she allows for much clearer, and direct communication for all.

The previous placements of your Solar System Planets and their positions now, are assisting in The Great Awakening. There are 19 days between the 13th and the 31st. These 19 days are pivotal in the evolution of humanity. This cannot be emphasized more.

The evolution of humanity comes from the awakened consciousness of being a spiritual being with an eternal, infinite Soul within a human body. The understanding and remembrance of your many, various incarnations and how you each play a role in the greater mechanisms of Creation.

For you each to know the full story of who you are would be mind-shattering and overwhelming at this stage. Your capacity to maintain your sanity while being able to reconnect with other lifetimes isn’t yet possible for nearly all of you.

However, this is not going to remain. This Great Awakening will open you up more to The Truth of who you are, your power and abilities, and the illusions and fears, the stories you have believed, the programs that keep you limited and confined will begin to break away more than ever. Those who have yet to awaken, will crack open their eyes as their shells do the same. The Divine Light of Mother-Father God held and delivered by your Sun and Mother Earth GAIA will penetrate their slumber.

We are all here to assist you. The High Council is working together and with you 24/7 to assist you in your awakening and ascension. Your ancestors are with you and, as experienced in last night’s Spirit Walk facilitated by Archangel Gabriel/Infiniti, they are helping you to receive the Divine wisdom they hold.

You are invited to partake, to receive, to open up and rebirth yourself through their love, support, and guidance. Remember, you are your ancestors — your infinite Soul is made to be in a state of constant flow of creational energies. You are a fractal of Mother-Father God. Perfect, Divine, and LIGHT!

On 12.12.2022, I Archangel Metatron, will be joining Archangel Gabriel-Infiniti for the Stargate commencement. I will join you for The Oracle Readings, and in the Spirit Walk, once again working with your Merkaba and delivering a gift of LIGHT! from Mother-Father God to assist in your integration, assimilation/remembrance/Soul Family Connections on both sides of the veil for your healing and ascension, your human life journeys forward.

I will join Archangel Gabriel-Infiniti again on 12.21.2022, for The Winter Solstice Oracle & Spirit Walk to continue with LIGHT! energy work for your integrations.

You are a part of the sacred geometry of The Web of Life. You were born in the time of The Great Awakening to be a vessel of The Light!

We, The Archangels are with you Always & Forever. We love you, our dear Human Children. Please open and receive our loving guidance. Our only agenda is your happiness and for your to fulfill your Soul Missions and destinies. To help GAIA evolve, to assist humanity with its evolution by being a human yourself. For this, we grant you everything you need to accomplish your missions and goals, we grant you every opportunity to connect with us to guide you to live your dreams.

I look forward to being with you, and working with you very soon. Treat yourself with loving kindness. Treat your body with care, nourish and rest as you are guided by your energy systems. We ask that you prioritize yourself more than others, even if you are charged with the care of others! You cannot pour from an empty vessel.

You cannot attempt or expect to upgrade, to be able to connect with your highest possible timelines if you do not take care of the very vehicle that drives your very existence!

WE can only do so much to help you. YOU must help yourself by listening to your body, giving it what it needs, not just what it desires or craves. But what it NEEDS. Listen when it is hungry — FEED IT! Listen when it is tired — REST IT!Listen when it is in pain and overloaded with the energy of others — BATHE IT!

Dear One, I could go on and on with the simple signals, communications and direct orders your body gives you — but you know them for yourself, do you not? The question is in if you will listen, and do what your body requires you to do. Not what your mind, your fears, your illusions tell you. But your Body. Your body and your Soul. And all of Us. We, your Divine Counterparts are here to help you understand your body, to help to heal your body. To assist you in communicating with your body.

Call on us, The Archangels, and your personal Guardian Angels to help you navigate your days and the choices you make from within and for your bodies. We will help guide you to what it is you are to do to give yourself, your body, your energy, your Soul exactly what it needs to keep your vibration as high as possible.

This could mean no longer consuming things you once did — from food to entertainment. This could mean that you begin consuming things you never have.

This will mean that your life will change because you are no longer the driving force of what it is you think you should be doing or believing.

You will live from a state of Divine Guidance when you decide to work with your Guardian Angel, and Us, The Archangels — and most certainly if you connect with Archangel Gabriel, Infiniti — as she is as you are, in the flesh and able to understand you and guide you in ways you wouldn’t imagine are possible. Take what she gives of herself, her time and energy without requesting a single penny. And if guided to connect and work with her directly, then follow that guidance. We support you completely, infinitely, always and forever in your quest for The Truth, your health and healing, your goals and wishes, dreams and desires that are in alignment with your Soul Missions, and Life Purpose.

Thank you for being guided here to be with me, for listening to me and connecting with me. I am Archangel Metatron. I love you eternally.

Canva project by Infiniti

Originally posted on December 8, 2022

1 commentaire

14 févr. 2023

Thank you 😇❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

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