Astral travel to GIZA, work with Archangels & Ascended Masters.

It’s that time of year again, the month before one of the biggest and most important, not to mention most well-known, Stargate-The Lion’s Gate coming in just 6 weeks on 8.8.2022. I really can’t believe it’s July. Raise your hand if you’re with me on how wild it is that it’s already July?
However, A LOT has happened in just the first half of the year. And we are getting into motion and forward momentum more than ever, now that we are firmly in this new energy of Cancer Season, this moth’s Stargate coming, and all the shifts and changes — upgrades and leveling up that is on the way for us.
The best way to facilitate the easiest route for us is to be paying attention, working with the universe, Spirit, and our own Guides and Guardians as much as possible.
These cosmic events are major gifts we are given to maximize the potentiality of our timelines, our ascension, awareness, evolution. They help us heal, become more and more conscious. They help us to connect to our bodies, energy, and our Divine Counterparts. We have our life journeys and our Soul Missions in these lifetimes, and it is important to enjoy them, but it’s also important to recognize if you’re one of the Souls who have incarnated with a bigger set of experiences and destinies to fulfill.
If you are an Empath, Lightworker/Light Warrior it’s times like these that you are called to put in a lot more effort for yourself, so you can capitalize on what’s going on now, what’s happening soon — and what to do to prepare for the BIG EVENTS like The Lion’s Gate.

Photo by Ingo Stiller on Unsplash
That’s not to discount July, and it’s Stargate from 7.7-7.17 it’s a supremely important gate and time for us, as it leads us to The Lion’s Gate.
The July Gate, known as The Divine Dragon Stargate, or The Dragon Stargate. Honestly, it really doesn’t matter what you call it, but what’s important is to know that it’s the Stargate that brings us back to reconnecting with our Divine Counterparts, our Spirit Tribes, our Guardian Angels, our Ancestors, Spirit Animals, crossed-over loved ones from this lifetime and any Soul Family from any other lifetime and most, especially The Ascended Masters, The Archangels and The Dragons help to facilitate the spaces for us to connect to all of them.
The July Stargate, and the entire month, helps us to prepare for The Lion’s Gate. For more on all of that, please listen to my podcast, The Evolve Now Podcast with Infiniti, episode 144 available wherever you listen to podcasts, and on my website.
PODCAST FEED | Infiniti "Evolve Now, Lightworkers! with Infiniti is hosted by a Psychic Physical Empath, Medical Medium, Natural Energy…
Take An (Astral) Walk With Me For the last 7 years I’ve been deeply connected and called to facilitate an energetic, spiritual, interdimensional, astral-travel connection and energy work, guided, channeled healing Shamanic Spirit Walk via guided meditations.
The Monthly Stargate’s are not the only time of the year that I’m guided to facilitate these travels.
I’ve done them for Full & New Moons, Eclipses, Solstices, Equinoxes, and other Galactic and Planetary Portals/Stargate’s, and other important times as guided by The High Council. You can find a large library of live and recorded channeled meditations on my podcast and YouTube channel, as well as a few special ones available for download on my website. Let yourself be guided to the one you most need. There’s no issue with doing one for some past event — the energy work and astral travel and spiritual connections are just as potent now as ever.
Energy doesn’t know time. It knows flow, intention and attraction.

Photo by Martijn Vonk on Unsplash
What Is The Lion’s Gate? What Are Stargate’s? It’s the annual cosmic and galactic event when we — Earth, specifically the Giza pyramid, Sirius-A, and The Galactic Center are in alignment.
Spiritually speaking, and for those of us who are spiritual awakening, on the ascension path, and intentionally evolving — Stargate’s are always critical for us to pay attention to — not just the famous ones like The Lion’s Gate or 11.11.
They happen monthly, and last for 11 days, and they are all about collapsing, dissolving, creating and solidifying our collective and individual timelines.
However, when it comes to The Lion’s Gate, it’s about opening up a huge Galactic Divine Light doorway/portal for massive enlightenment energies to come through — and mostly it’s about aligning our Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine sides so we can be as balanced as possible and stable for the highest possible timelines to be available to us.
This also means that many lower level/frequency timelines will be collapsing that no longer serve us, individually and collectively through the end of the year. Then it’s rinse and repeat as we begin another cycle in January.
The Monthly Stargate’s go as follows, beginning in January:
As we move through the year, each month and Stargate experience gets more and more intense. If you’re born in a Stargate, you will definitely feel this more. More news-worthy happenings, decisions, conclusions, etc. can tend to happen in a Stargate, whether that’s on the macro or micro levels.
It’s when people make bigger, life-altering choices, when big collective shifts happen, when Soul Family tend to meet, when big revelations, connections and things happen to force the issues that make us move towards our healing and evolution.
I published the following articles over the last 2 years that will explain the energies and happenings surrounding The Lion's Gate, and Stargates in general.
The Lions Gate Live Event 8.8.2021 Each year on 8.8.2021 the Great GIZA Pyramid, Sirius & The Galactic Center are in alignment. Creating a significant…
I also invite you to read my previous articles that go more into The Lion’s Gate, and Stargate’s in general. I also have a video that explains the monthly Stargate’s.
2022 Is WOWZA! In general, this year has been very different energetically. The first big happening was the 2.22.2022 Galactic Gateway. I was guided to facilitate a live event for that day, that included energy work, creating a crystal light gate, artwork, and the live event on that day.
It was the first of its kind for me, and although it was a lot of work, it was most definitely worth it for me, for those who joined me and for the collective in general because of the work the group did, and what was activated and anchored with GAIA.
That set the course for the rest of the year for us personally, and the massive shifts we experienced since then for all of us who participated.

Canva Project By Infiniti
This Year’s Soul Group Journey & Live Event: 8.8.2022 For the last couple of months, I’ve known through my spiritual guidance that just like the 2.22.2022 Gateway, that for The Lion’s Gate, I’d be facilitating something similar. Something that includes weeks of energy work and deep spiritual work, and of course, the live event. I am beyond thrilled and super excited to facilitate the following Lion’s Gate Soul Journey & Live Event.
The Live Private Google Meet Event Lion’s Gate Event When: 8.8.2022 12–2PM PST Abundance Exchange: $444 or $44.44 Minimum Donation NOTE: Storybooks and all instructions will be released in The Lion’s Gate Forum on 7.8.2022.
Replays of the live event will be available the following day in the forum for registered Souls who cannot attend the live event. Do your very best to attend the live event. All registered Souls will have replay access indefinitely.
Guidelines To Attend 🗝 Video camera’s must be on during the event. 🗝 Multiple people can be together for the event, but MUST register individually. 🗝 You may sign up and attend the LIVE EVENT beginning NOW through 8.7.2022. 🗝 No same day registrations or entries. BUT 🗝 You may purchase 8.8.2022 to receive your packet on 8.9.2022. Later you can do the replay, and meditations, artwork, and Lightgate at your convenience. 🗝 Register through 8.31.2022.
The Following Is Included In Your Lion’s Gate Soul Journey
🦁 A step-by-step printable Storybook, complete with fill-in-the-blanks for all of your work, along with instructions, and journaling space for everything below that you’ll be doing over the 5 weeks.
🦁 Cord Cutting, 4 weeks of energy cord cutting and resetting. Guidance, The Importance of Cutting Energy Cords e-book, the self-healing channeled astral guided meditation via my podcast will be your tools.
These are the same tools and guidance as my clients in The Evolve Now Programs. Contrary to what some people sell, cord-cutting must be done by the individual and cannot be facilitated by anyone else, similarly to how no one other than you can sleep, exercise or eat for you. Cords must be cut by YOU.
When you cut cords, you bring back your Life Force to your body and release the connection to the person, etc. This is especially important to do with people you have been intimate with, but also equally important to do with family members, close friends and co-workers who are no longer in your life.
Of course, not every person you’ve ever known warrants a cord-cutting session, and the e-book explains how to figure out who should be on your list for cutting cords.
For the people you are still connected to, it’s a reset of energies that clears accumulated energies that have settled between the two parties since the last cord reset.
If the cords have never been reset, the first reset will display a noticeable change in the energy between the two people.
Resets are advised to do with those close to you every 2–3 months, and they may be done in a batch. Meaning, one session and up to 5 people can be reset in a session.
Goal is 2–3 cord cutting per week. They must be done at night, and every other day maximum. More info in the e-book, and Storybook for this event.
Get a head start! Download my free e-book: The Importance of Cutting Energy Cords.
The Importance of Cord Cutting, By Infiniti | Infiniti Read the file on my website, or download it here!
🦁 Create Artwork Creation-Watercolor & Crystal Energy Art Details and shopping list given upon registering 🦁 Create A Crystal Light Gate Creation or upgrade the one you created on/for 2.22.2022 Details and shopping list given upon registering 🦁 Weekly Spirit Walk Self-Healing Channeled Meditations Download each weekly channeled recorded meditations (details below) 🦁 The Lion’s Gate Soul Group Forum Download the meditations from the forum, check in and share your experiences with each meditation.
The Weekly Channeled Meditations The following channeled, recorded meditations are designed to prepare you to be as stable, in alignment and prepared to receive, integrate and activate yourself on 8.8.2022 as possible.
Each step of the way is taking you to a more connected and intentional place for your Soul connection and evolution.
7.8.2022 Week 1-Archangel Michael-Clearing, Protection, Courage, Strength, Energy, Self Esteem 7.15.2022 Week 2-Archangel Gabriel-Creativity, Motivation, Action, Fertility & Abundance 7.22.2022 Week 3-Merlin-Crystal Activation, Psychic Abilities, Timeline Sculpting & Warping 7.29.2022 Week 4-Isis & Shakti-The Divine Feminine-Feminine Power & Strength, Purification, Relationship Harmony, Self Love, Body & Womb Connection 8.5.2022 Week 5-Thoth & Shiva-The Divine Masculine; Life Purpose, Divine Magic, Confidence, Liberation, Truth, Inner Warrior

Monday, 8.8.2022: The Agenda On the day of 8.8.2022 we will meet via Google Meet promptly at 12 PST in a private meeting room that will be recorded. Welcome, introduction and general Q&A about the event and what we’ll be doing.
💜 Oracle Messages, I will be pulling Oracle messages for the group about this Stargate and what is important for us to know at that time. 💜 Then we will get into the Live Spirit Walk Astral Channeling (guided meditation) featuring: 💜 Archangel Metatron: Giza Portal Connection, Metatron’s Cube and Merkaba Activation 💜 Merlin: Light Gate Creation & Activation/Upgrades 💜 Mother Earth GAIA: Giza Pyramid Connection & Integration
By this point, I hope that you are very excited and all tingly in anticipation about this journey and live event — I know I am.
I’m so thrilled and deeply blessed to have been directed to facilitate this journey for all of us, and I cannot wait to experience The Lion’s Gate 2022 with you, dear Soul Family!
How To Register Go to the “Book” section on my website, or follow this direct link to the service to register.

About Infiniti I am Infiniti, The Real-Deal Faerie Godmother, High Council Divine Incarnate — Channel and Vessel for Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels and Ascended Masters. Together, we heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.
I am mystically designed to magnetize Soul Family: Empaths & Lightworkers find my divinely guided, multidimensional, magical, sacred space who are ready to evolve. Divine alchemist, creator, messenger and Other-World Walker, I activate and maximize Soul Connection and Life Force through multileveled energetic healing, spirit-walk meditation, energy transmutation, spiritual reconnections, remembrance, acknowledgement, integration, assimilation, and intentional evolution.