It’s 11:11 AM here in the Pacific on 9.1.2024, and I just sat down to write this article.
If that’s not an auspicious synchronicity, I don't know what is!
Aside from that, we have a sequential number pattern that may not be obvious if you aren’t used to going a bit deeper with your numbers.
Angel Numbers/Light Codes trigger us to higher consciousness on all levels, and it activates our DNA to evolve. Number patterns and sequences have another meaning on top of the usual.
When it comes to number sequences, they signify intense progress surrounding consciousness, which is why I’m even sitting here writing this now — to talk about this transit with Pluto — which is bringing an interesting wave and shake-up in consciousness.
The 82=10 the 93 = 12, so we have 10, 11, 12 = 1, 2, 3
(There’s even the 90, so 9, 10, 11, 12 and a 3rd 11 with the 65)
3=Ascended Masters, Ascension, Love, Unconditional Love, Unity.

Here I am today, two days in a row writing an article— which is unplanned.
I published an article yesterday about The New Moon in Virgo happening tomorrow, and my livestream from Friday. If you missed that one, here it is.
What’s been taking much of my attention so much lately has been feeling this intense energy that there is a big energetic shift happening RIGHT NOW.
I can feel it. Last night, it was like hearing a car come down the road, but there’s no car — it’s the energy that's coming through. Things are gonna change — BIG TIME.
I’ve been thinking a lot about the New Moon, and September and what is coming up because August was so intense, and I had to be in the present, that what was going on in September was in large part behind a wall for me — until the last couple of days.
Now the rush of September energies is coming through, and I was guided to tap in more to what’s going on astrologically.
I am not an astrologer. I’m a host of other things, but astrology always comes into play, and it’s important to know and understand certain things that are going on, especially if they hold a lot of influence/power with what we experience as a collective.
Over the years, I’ve learned some things, but for the most part, I am guided to particular information to help me put the pieces together.
Through my Divine connections, I will be guided at times when I am to pay attention to certain aspects of astrology that are overlapping with other cosmic events, or when certain events are of greater significance, and this is one of those times.
This time it’s about Pluto. Whenever anything happens with Pluto, it’s a big deal because of what it represents and governs and because it is so slow moving as our very most outer planet, everything lasts a long time with Pluto.

What’s Happening With Pluto
As of September 1st, 2024, Pluto makes its final return to Capricorn, where it will stay shortly before transitioning into Aquarius for a very long time on November 19th, 2024. Of course, this is part of that magical transition into The Age of Aquarius, and Pluto making this move is significant. However, it's LEAVING Capricorn is the news for today.
This is the last time Pluto will influence Capricorn in our era.
Pluto entered Aquarius on January 20, 2024, and will remain in the sign until September 1, 2024, (today as I write this) then go back into Aquarius for a long time.
Pluto will then briefly retrograde back into Capricorn and re-enter Aquarius on November 19, 2024.
We have at least a couple of lifetimes before we experience Pluto in Capricorn again, in 2255, which with those numbers — of course! I want to mark my Soul calendar for 2255. It’s gonna be a biggy.
Pluto’s presence in Capricorn over the past 15 years has been a blend of both positive and negative shifts and changes with us individually and collectively — it’s been an experience — one we’ve grown familiar with.
It’s like a record playing in the background we’ve been dancing to, and now that is changing, and like all experiences, it’s one we won’t encounter again.
What comes up for me is all that has come TO LIGHT. There’s a lot that’s been revealed over the last 15 years. We just know more, on so many levels, in so many ways information, and our access to it, and each other has reshaped our world, and we've gotten used to the constant reshaping that is both welcomed, and not.
These final weeks of Pluto in Capricorn are a rare opportunity.
While I talked about doing a review of AUGUST (in yesterday’s live) as we go into September, this is a life review is on a much grander scale.
It’s a time to reflect on what Pluto’s journey through Capricorn has meant to you since 2008, and to recognize the ways it has influenced the person you are today. You’ve changed — a lot.
While time will be moving faster, as it always does at this time of the year, it’s good to do our best to take our time with this transit as we transition.
Take a moment to appreciate this chapter for what it is. For many of us, either most or part of this time has been about revelations, evolution, Spiritual Awakening, completely shifting who we were and what we were connected to.
Do a life review, think about the big markers that shaped your journey since 2008. 15 years is a long time, so give yourself a little bit to get into time-travel mode. Take yourself back to who you were in 2008, what/who you were connected to, and notice how much has changed.
This is also when we saw the financial crash, and the paradigm shifting introduction of the smartphone, just to name a couple of things that have been in play with Pluto in Capricorn.
To help get a better understanding, and to prepare yourself a bit for what may come, find where Capricorn and what planets may be with it and in what house is with it and most likely this area of life will be highlighted with many aspects of life that begin to change in the next couple of months.
I believe that more of this will be about what is coming in, than what is going when it comes to this aspect of our charts, and how Pluto is reshaping our world for the rest of our lives.
Clearly, wherever we have this energy in our chart will get a big shake-up, and it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to see where you have looped your timelines in ways you aren’t a fan of, and decide NOW that you don’t need to loop these timelines again.
This means taking control, and not doing the same things we’ve done before. GROWTH means CHANGE.
There’s a good chance that you have been on this road of change for a while, and feel good where things are, but it’s when these planetary shifts happen that cause us to revert into old ways of being, reacting and falling into fear — old wounds and cords that haven’t been removed or healed will come up for acknowledgement. This is how we evolve.

Some of this can be internal shifts, as there is a massive wave of LIGHT that came through with The Gate of Great Awakening that just officially ended yesterday, and now will be doing it’s magic, triggering the Light Codes we integrated, and, now, begin to activate — and Pluto is helping with this in a huge way.
I’ve been guided to tap in and get information about PLUTO by reading a few articles and watching a few videos since yesterday. Here’s what sticks out:
Generally speaking, there’s a shake up to social structures aka The Material Matrix, and to a certain extent, this is about the weakening strength of The Material Matrix, and things involving the shadow side of finances.
While this can mean some “bad” things, we have the opportunity to break through our fear-based programs surrounding The Money Wound.
This can mean that some big global shake up of financial systems will be (to some extent) used to cause fear and confusion in The Collective, as The Dark Side LOVES using these energies to cause a lowering of our vibrations.
Don’t take the bait! Most of what will be shaken up (if it does) is about the top, the elite, the stock market, and people will go into panic, and this will also happen when the presidential election is coming to a head.
I don’t put it past The Dark Side to try to use this time to their advantage, they ALWAYS use planetary aspects, however they tend to panic — especially lately.
The Dark Ones don’t know anything about balance, or constraint.
They want to keep us asleep and oppressed, controlled and manipulated, and are going to try various things at the same time to get this to push people out of their ascension and higher level timelines, into the fear-based density of The Material Matrix.
To stay firmly locked in to your highest vibration, it means to be connected to The Abundance Crystalline Matrix of GAIA, where our Light Codes are processed through, and why we, once awakening, are drawn to crystals more than ever.
They hold the keys to our rebirth, at least to a large degree, are a giant tool in reshaping who we are.
Our crystals are programmed with the Light Codes, either the collective new programs we are to activate, or the personal ones.
You may be guided to get new crystals, or be connected to The Andara Light Beings, which are not crystals, but something entirely different.
They will enter our consciousness when the time is right to start a big leveling up.
I have been assigned to be an ambassador for The Andara, and if you would like to learn more about them, follow this link.
In the near future, I will be guided to activate the Andara I have been working with for nearly 2 years now, and make them available to those who are ready.
As far as our crystals are concerned, please take some time to reconnect with them, activate them, clear them with water, or the Sun.
I’m guided to tell you that this is for your benefit to merge your energies with them, more than it is for them. I advise everyone to use their phone’s video camera outside in the sun to zoom in, dive deep into your crystals!
Also do this with the flash, as the different light will show you different things. The point is to CONNECT with them, as it is your connection with intention that drives your healing, ascension and higher awareness.

Lastly, I am guided to point you in the direction of a couple of my offerings that will help greatly at this time.
First, The Soul Quest Program: 9 Weeks, 9 Meetings, 8 Maps, 8 Spirit Walks.
This program is designed to help you map out your Shadow work, and get an in-depth understanding of the past, present, and future.
Where you have grown, and what blocks, fears, program, and general resistance you have. It’s not about doing the work while you’re in the program, it’s about assessing what work you will do in the future.
While the program itself, and the 9 weeks you’re doing the 8 Body & Soul Maps, and the healing channeled Spirit Walks is going to have a profound effect on you as you’re going through it, the purpose is to have a map of the shadow work that needs to be done, the energy healing, the exploring, the way you need to prioritize yourself, and connect to your Soul becomes abundantly clear.
This entire ride is about connecting to our Soul, and living through that embodiment.
That’s how we will (eventually, progressively) experience LUCID LIVING, magnetizing and manifesting at will, and be able to fulfill our Soul’s greatest desires and highest possible timelines.
This is something I discuss A LOT, as it is the most important thing to be intentional about because when we’re aware we are constructing our future timelines in the present, we get in the habit of mastering our frequency and our overall vibration.
If this program intrigues you, then follow this link to learn more about it, and please don't hesitate to reach out if so guided.
The second offering that will help you through this period with Pluto, and beyond, is The Unstoppable Empath Course & Group Membership.
While The Soul Quest is a finite program, The Unstoppable Empath is ongoing, and go at your pace with weekly meetings and a private Facebook group to support your healing journey.
This course and group is all about learning what Energy Cords are, how they work, and how to do the self-healing energy work to take control of them, and maintain them.
When it comes to moving forward through astrological shifts, one of the best things we can do is begin to take control of our energy, and work on healing.
It takes you through the regimen for disconnecting and resetting your Energy Cords, including discovering the archetypes of your story, and what you’ve been connected to.
Most people have about 20 cords that need to be cut or reset.
Working with your cords is something that you need to do for yourself, like eating, sleeping, and exercising.
Somewhere along the road, people began to offer sessions to cut other people's cords, and that never truly works, and just doing one or two will not be enough — not if you’re serious about your health and ascension.
Each active cord — even from long ago that haven’t been manually disconnected or reset, uses a ton of Life Force energy that can be used in a much more healthy and beneficial way for your overall health and wellbeing.
You are similar to any appliance you own, a machine that runs on energy, and is plugged into energy of various sources, and this also means being connected to things you would rather not be connected to.
These are the people, and experiences that you may have thought you have long since eliminated from your life, but until you ACTIVELY disconnect that cord, they are connected to you, using your Life Force.
This is why we can have such a difficult time moving on from past relationships. Just because we left, doesn’t mean our energy cords changed at all!
PTSD, is an energy cord to a traumatic event, or ongoing experience. Until we disconnect that energy, the PTSD allows us to connect to a place in time immediately, and without wanting to.
If you’re interested in releasing energy to maximize yourself, then follow this link to learn more.
Lastly, I will leave you with a couple of links to videos by Meg that I suggest checking out about Pluto leaving Capricorn if you want to go further with this.
Meg is new to me, she popped up on my feed last week with a birth chart reading for RFK Jr with a Synastry reading for him and Trump. It was fascinating. If you’re an RFK Jr. supporter, this video is for you too.
Then, when this daily astro show popped up yesterday, I was again guided to watch. She not only discusses Pluto, but Uranus going retrograde today as well, which is something to look into, but most definitely this shift with Pluto is taking most of the attention.
In this first video she does an overview, it’s short and to the point.
Meg and Astrid take a deep dive into this transit with a review since Pluto has been in Capricorn, and goes into how this Pluto business influences each sign over the next two months before going into Aquarius for good!
That’s all for now, Soul Family!
I hope the very first day of September is going beautifully, and you’re feeling positive and magical.
I love getting comments and questions about this stuff, so don’t hesitate to respond to this article, or reach out directly.
Sending Love & Light always…